Courses at Outside Institutions
Students and parents/guardians should think carefully before deciding to take courses outside of HHS. Below are some specific things to consider and discuss:
- It is not mandatory or expected that high school students take a college class to be admitted to college;
- All grades will be part of a student's permanent college record that will follow them in the future;
- All classes and grades must be reported to colleges;
- Students making up D or F grade may not be able to replace the grades;
- College classes will take time and energy that could be used towards your high school classes and other activities; and
- High school students do not receive priority when registering for classes.
The following are some tips and advice from the Guidance Department:
- Students should not take classes in place of high school courses available to them, but to supplement what they are taking in high school
- Students can explore a subject not offered in high school, challenge themselves in a subject in which they have high interest, and take a class for enrichment (ex: take Introduction to Guitar or Hip Hop Dancing just because they are fun)
- Keep in mind that doing well in a college class may raise your grade a small fraction, but your time may be better spent on community service, internships, or part-time jobs that relate to your interests
- You should never take a college class at the expense of your high school grades. Good college grades will not make poor high school grades look any better
- If you are trying to earn college units, visit the website and select the community college that you are considering. The website will help you identify CSU and UC transferable college courses.
- If you are using a college class to satisfy a college subject (a-g) requirement, visit the University of California website
- Science courses at the college level must have a lab component to be considered a UC laboratory science (subject d)
- Classes taken at a community college will be recorded on a student's college transcript and will not be transferred back to the high school transcript. It is the student's responsibility to report college courses on college applications and submit official transcripts during the application process.
- Because Homestead believes that students should balance their academic loads, students are limited to one college class per quarter/semester. Students with special circumstances must speak to their School Counselor and may possibly be referred to their Assistant Principal.
- Students attempting to replace a D or F grade on their high school transcript should talk to their School Counselor about the courses they are considering. Some college classes do not replace high school course grades.
Please send an email to your School Counselor to processed with the application process.