Math & Computer Science
- Staff Directory
- Incoming 9th Grade Information
- Course Information & Sequences
- Math Sequence
- High School Graduation & College Entrance Requirements
- Resources
Staff Directory
Department Lead
Gopal, Pratibha |
Grossman, Chris |
Guevara, Matt |
Igoe, Rob |
Lee, Matthew |
Lee, Phil |
Navarro, Katie |
Taylor, Ed |
Yuhara, Michelle (Leena Rudramurthy long term sub) |
Incoming 9th Grade Information
Math Department Information for Incoming Freshmen (updated 1.26.24)
Incoming Freshmen Handout (updated 2.1.23)
Course Information & Sequences
Math Course Information
- Algebra 1
- ELD Algebra 1 Workshop
- Geometry
- Geometry Enriched
- Algebra 2
- Algebra 2/Trigonometry
- Applications of Applied Mathematics
- Pre-Calculus
- Pre-Calculus Honors
- AP Statistics
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
Algebra 1
Algebra 1 ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Successful completion of Math 8
Algebra 1 is imperative for success in subsequent math courses, and transitions students from arithmetic to symbolic reasoning. The key content, which follows the Common Core State Standards for Algebra 1, involves understanding, writing, solving, and graphing linear, exponential, and quadratic equations and inequalities. When working with linear equations, emphasis will be placed on understanding equations in slope-intercept form and slope in general as it relates to rates in context. Solving systems of two linear equations in two unknowns is also emphasized. Exponential relationships are studied in comparison with linear relationships to highlight the characteristics of exponential growth and decay. Quadratic equations are solved by factoring, using graphs, and applying the quadratic formula. Students should also become comfortable with operations on monomial and polynomial expressions. Students learn to solve problems employing all of these techniques. Successful completion of Algebra 1 prepares students for Geometry.
ELD Algebra 1 Workshop
ELD Algebra 1 Workshop ~ Course Information Sheet
ELD Algebra 1 Workshop provides extra support to strengthen math foundations in addition to algebra skills and concepts. Students will learn and master fundamental math skills that will prepare them for success in ELD Algebra 1. This course meets the graduation requirement. Students enrolled in this program have math for two periods, and earn 10 math credits and 10 elective credits.
Geometry ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Successful completion of Algebra 1
The Geometry course, which follows the Common Core State Standards for Geometry, focuses on a formal development of geometric skills and concepts. Students build their visualization, reasoning, and mathematical communication skills through study of the following topics: transformations, congruence, similarity, properties of geometric shapes (triangles, quadrilaterals, circles), geometric modeling (plane and solid), coordinate geometry, and right triangle trigonometry. They also develop the ability to construct formal logical arguments and proofs in a geometric setting. Geometry meets the graduation requirement, and together with Algebra 1, prepares a student for Algebra 2.
Geometry Enriched
Geometry Enriched ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Mastery of Algebra 1
Geometry Enriched emphasizes formal proofs and students are expected to enter with a firm grasp of Algebra 1 concepts and skills. The course, which follows the Common Core State Standards for Geometry, focuses on a formal development of geometric skills and concepts. Students build their visualization, reasoning, and mathematical communication skills through study of the following topics: transformations, congruence, similarity, properties of geometric shapes (triangles, quadrilaterals, circles), geometric modeling (plane and solid), coordinate geometry, right triangle trigonometry, and probability. Students also develop the ability to construct formal logical arguments and proofs in a geometric setting. Mastery of Geometry Enriched and Algebra 1 prepares students for the rigor of the course that follows: Algebra 2/Trigonometry.
Algebra 2
Algebra 2 ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Successful completion of Algebra 1 and Geometry
Algebra 2 expands and refines the mathematical content of Algebra 1 and Geometry. Emphasis is placed on abstract thinking skills, the function concept, extension of right triangle trigonometry to the unit circle and domain of all real numbers, and the algebraic solution of problems in various content areas. Polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, radical, rational, and trigonometric functions comprise the core material through which equations, graphs, and their transformations are studied and applied. The course also includes an introduction to statistics and sequences and series. Calculators are used to aid in the solution of problems and in making estimates for realistic solutions. Successful completion of Algebra 2 prepares students for Precalculus or Applications of Advanced Mathematics.
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Algebra 2/Trigonometry ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Mastery of Algebra 1 and Geometry/Geometry Enriched
Algebra 2/Trigonometry is for students who plan to maximize the amount of mathematics studied in high school. Course content includes a more rigorous study of all topics taught in the Algebra 2 course. As in Algebra 2, emphasis is placed on abstract thinking skills, the function concept, extension of right triangle trigonometry to the unit circle and domain of all real numbers, and the algebraic solution of problems in various content areas. Polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, radical, rational, and trigonometric functions comprise the core material through which equations, graphs, and their transformations are studied and applied. The course also includes an introduction to statistics and sequences and series. Beyond the content of Algebra 2, in the trigonometry portion of Algebra 2/Trigonometry, students study, in depth, all 6 trigonometric functions as they relate to the unit circle using radians and degrees, including simplifying expressions, solving equations, graphing, and applications. Additional topics include solving triangles, defining and solving equations with inverse trigonometric functions, and proving and applying trigonometric identities. Calculators are used to aid in the solution of problems and in making estimates for realistic solutions. Successful completion of Algebra 2/Trigonometry prepares students for Precalculus or Applications of Advanced Mathematics. Mastery of Algebra 2/Trigonometry prepares students for Precalculus Honors.
Applications of Applied Mathematics
Applications of Applied Mathematics ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Successful completion of Algebra 2 or Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Applications of Advanced Math is designed for college-bound students who want an advanced mathematics course after Algebra 2 that focuses on real-world applications in fields such as business, finance, politics, architecture, gaming, and natural science. Students who complete this class will be prepared for Advanced Placement or college level statistics. The course consists of four core units: geometry and trigonometry, mathematical modeling, statistics, and the mathematics of decision-making. To help students understand that math makes sense outside of a textbook, the course incorporates real world data and technological tools. The course is built around collaborative tasks that require students to persevere in solving complex, unfamiliar problems, choose and use mathematical models to represent their thinking. Students will be asked to clarify their thinking, verify the reasonableness of their conclusions, explain their solutions in writing, and critique the reasoning of others. As the course progresses, students will be expected to communicate their ideas with increasing accuracy, objectivity, clarity, and concision. Students are encouraged to explore multiple pathways toward a solution to further enhance their understanding. Completion of this course with a grade of “C” or higher will clear a CSU Early Assessment Program result of “Conditionally Ready” on the 11th grade Smarter Balanced assessment.
Pre-Calculus ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Successful completion of Algebra 2 or Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Precalculus focuses on the study of families of functions, their application in mathematical modeling, and the use of equivalence to rewrite expressions to reveal important features. Students analyze features of a variety of functions and their graphs, connect different representations, and identify and apply transformations of equations and graphs. To solve problems using function models, students choose among function families, fit linear and nonlinear functions to data, and interpret, apply, and evaluate the resulting models. The study of functions in this course includes strengthening of concepts and skills from prior courses, fuller development of equivalent forms of functions, and an in-depth study of trigonometry and its applications. Completion of this course with a grade of “C” or higher will clear a CSU Early Assessment Program result of “Conditionally Ready” on the 11th grade Smarter Balanced assessment. Full mastery of concepts and skills from this course prepares students to take Calculus AB the following year.
Pre-Calculus Honors
Pre-Calculus Honors ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Mastery of both Geometry/Geometry Enriched and Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Pre-Calculus Honors is an honors class and will be fast paced and rigorous. The course consists of topics in Trigonometry, Advanced Algebra, Data Analysis and Introductory Calculus. Students will solve problems algebraically and graphically, using graphing calculators and/or other technology. The knowledge acquired in this class can be applied in several areas including engineering, economics, the physical sciences, and mathematical modeling. This fast-paced course assumes that students have already mastered all skills and concepts from prior courses. The focus is on expanding the study of functions to a broad variety of function types, with increased emphasis on abstract thinking and formal proofs and extend these concepts into differential calculus. Students analyze features of a variety of functions and their graphs, connect different representations, and identify and apply transformations of equations and graphs. Students also solve challenging problems using function models, where they choose among function families, fit linear and nonlinear functions to data, and interpret, apply, and evaluate the resulting models. This course continues the rigorous study of trigonometry begun in Algebra 2/Trigonometry, moving on to advanced equations, graphs, and proofs, including the study of vectors and polar coordinates. Students also continue their study of topics such as the algebra of polynomials and rationals, advanced inequalities, conic sections, and sequences and series. Completion of this course with a grade of “C” or higher will clear a CSU Early Assessment Program result of “Conditionally Ready” on the 11th grade Smarter Balanced assessment. Successful completion of this course prepares students to take Calculus AB, or with mastery of concepts and skills, Calculus BC, the following year.
AP Statistics
AP Statistics ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Successful completion of Algebra 2 or higher math course
This course covers the content of one semester of an introductory, non-Calculus-based, college curriculum in Statistics, which is often a requirement for college students majoring in the social sciences, health sciences and business. Students will be introduced to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. The course is built around four main topics: exploring data, planning a study, probability as it relates to distribution of data, and inferential reasoning. With the possible exception of probability, most of the material in this course has not been a part of the traditional secondary mathematics curriculum. Students successfully completing this course are prepared to take the Statistics AP Exam which includes use of a graphing calculator. Completion of this course with a grade of “C” or higher will clear a CSU Early Assessment Program result of “Conditionally Ready” on the 11th grade Smarter Balanced assessment.
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus AB ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Mastery of Precalculus
This course covers the content of two quarters (more than one semester) of a college Calculus curriculum, focusing on the application of limits, differentiation and integration. Some techniques of integration and indeterminate forms for limits are also covered. Throughout the course, an emphasis is placed on symbolic, graphical, and numeric representations, as well as on clear communication of mathematical thinking. Students successfully completing this course are prepared to take the Calculus AB AP Exam, which requires use of a graphing calculator. Completion of this course with a grade of “C” or higher will clear a CSU Early Assessment Program result of “Conditionally Ready” on the 11th grade Smarter Balanced assessment.
AP Calculus BC
AP Calculus BC ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Mastery of Pre-Calculus Honors
This course covers the content of three quarters (two semesters) of a college Calculus curriculum, focusing on applications of limits, differentiation and integration. Numerical approaches (such as Newton’s method, Simpson’s Rule, and Euler’s Method); various techniques of integration; indeterminate forms for limits; and Taylor series are also covered, as well as application of Calculus techniques to parametric and polar representations. Throughout the course, an emphasis is placed on symbolic, graphical and numeric representations, as well as on clear communication of mathematical thinking. Students successfully completing this course are prepared to take the Calculus BC AP Exam, which requires use of a graphing calculator. Completion of this course with a grade of “C” or higher will clear a CSU Early Assessment Program result of “Conditionally Ready” on the 11th grade Smarter Balanced assessment.
Computer Science Course Information
Digital Innovation & Design
Digital Innovation & Design ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Successful completion of Math8 and a desire to learn more about computer programming.
Students will explore the potential of technology to solve modern human problems by applying design principles used in art, business, and computer science. They will design, field test, and evaluate their own projects that use technology to solve local problems. The course will examine the "magic" of how computers and the Internet work, and how logic helps digital devices communicate and understand one another. The course will strengthen students' critical thinking and logic skills as they evalute the effective use of technology and weigh the moral and ethical dilemmas that may occur with technological solutions. Students will be exposed to a range of professions that use digital technology. Students who complete this course successfully will be prepared for Java Programming.
Computer Programming / JAVA
Computer Programming/JAVA ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Successful completion of Algebra 1 or higher math course and previous computer use
The course is designed to introduce the student to the study and writing of computer programs, with an emphasis on problem-solving and program design. Analytical thinking skills and logic are emphasized. The Java language is used with an emphasis on understanding universal programming concepts such as data types and data structures, selection, and iteration along with applications of programming for the Internet and programs written in an object-oriented paradigm. Elementary study of digital computer hardware may be included. This course is recommended for the college-bound student planning on a business, math or science major or for the student preparing for an AP Computer Science course.
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science A ~ Course Information Sheet
Recommended: Successful completion of Computer Programming Java and Algebra 2 or higher math course
This course is designed to serve as the equivalent of a one-semester, entry-level college course in computer science for students majoring in computer science, engineering, math, the sciences or business. Students are expected to have strong computer and problem-solving skills as they will create and debug original object-oriented programs, using Java, to solve problems by using adaptable and reusable algorithmic modules and data structures. Students successfully completing this course are prepared to take the AP Computer Science A Exam
Math Sequence
High School Graduation & College Entrance Requirements
Textbook/Supply List
Standards & Testing
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics (California) |
PSAT Information (math tested up to the Algebra 2 level) |
SAT Information (math tested up to the Algebra 2 level) |
Advanced Placement Math/CS Course Descriptions |
Getting Help with Math
Tutorial: Dedicated time during the school day for students to seek help from any teacher. Scheduled 3 days per week |
Math Lab: Drop in peer tutor program for all Mathematics classes. Location: B211 |
Math Club |
Club Meetings |
Student run organization that meets approximately once a week during lunch to learn and discuss math concepts determined by the club. Club participates in a variety of math competitions throughout the school year. Advisor: Michelle Yuhara |
The Homestead Math club sponsors both the AMC10 and AMC12 math competitions for Homestead students only during second semester each year. If you are not a member of the club but wish to participate, please talk to your current math teacher, club advisor or one of the club officers. |
Programming Club |
Club Meetings |
Girls Who Code |
Student run organization that meets approximately once a week during lunch to learn and discuss programming concepts determined by the club. Club participates in a variety of programming activities throughout the school year. Advisor: John Shelby |
Homestead’s Programming Club has an additional group specifically for girls interested in learning about coding. Club activities are sponsored by a national organization, Girls Who Code, whose mission is to close the gender gap in technology. Activities include Python based workshops and projects as well as web-site development. Group is beginner friendly and requires no prior programming experience.
Mu Alpha Theta (National Mathematics Honor Society) | |
Club Meetings | Graduation Cords |
Student run organization that meets to promote scholarship, enjoyment and understanding of mathematics among high school students. Meets approximately once a month during lunch. Members are required to complete 5 service hours in addition to maintaining a Math GPA of 3.0 or greater to keep membership active. Advisor: Connie Murray |
Active Members meeting the following criteria are eligible for graduation cords: