Business Education is a comprehensive Applied Academic Program that includes offerings in computer technology, marketing education, international business and specialized courses for personal use and college preparation. The Business Education Program emphasizes computer-based instructional strategies and supports and applies the academic areas of economics, language arts and mathematics.
The nature of the workplace is in a constant state of change and evolution, and the courses taught in the Business Education Program are designed to bring the world of school and work closer together by imparting broad conceptual and social skills, as well as practical and specific skills.
Staff Directory
Carlson, Helen |
Department Lead
Kwong, Edmond |
Lee, Byron |
Logie, Graeme |
Pham, Ben |
- Accounting 1
- Accounting 2
- Digital Marketing in Business
- International Business
- Law
- Principles of Business
- Virtual Enterprise
Accounting 1
Grades: 10-12
Credits: 10
UC/CSU Requirement: g
Accounting 1 will enable the students to understand the "language" of business, the recording of financial transactions and their interpretation, the clarification of business procedures, the provision of skills needed for keeping financial records, practice in setting up accounting systems and preparation of income statements and balance sheets. Students will also learn how to invest in opportunities such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds. Computerized accounting and an introduction to taxes are also included in the curriculum. The course is recommended for students who plan to enter college and major or minor in business administration, accounting, marketing, international business management, etc.
Accounting 2
Grades: 11-12
Credits: 10
UC/CSU Requirement: N/A
Required: Accounting 1.
This advanced course is designed for students who want to broaden and improve knowledge about business procedures and the use of accounting records. Students that complete this class usually go on to college and major in accounting or some other phase of business. Priority will be given to students who are progressing in the Financial Services Pathway and choose this as one of their “First 6” classes.
Digital Marketing in Business
Grades: 9-12
Credits: 10
UC/CSU Requirement: g
This course is designed to provide an in-depth, hands-on introduction to business and how technology has influenced the way in which businesses conduct many of its key functions from management, finance, human resource, communication, to marketing. A key focus will be on the integration of business marketing and technology in today’s contemporary and dynamic e-commerce environment. Additionally, students will examine the importance of creating positive digital citizenship online for themselves personally and professionally. They will also evaluate the impact organizations can make when they demonstrate positive corporate citizenship. Course will culminate with students researching post-secondary careers of their interest, interviewing professionals in selected careers, and creating an Electronic Career Portfolio, which can serve as a resource to guide them in their post-secondary education and future career pursuit. Successful completion of this course will prepare students to advance to upper division Business courses within the Business Career pathway offered at Homestead High School.
International Business
Grades: 10-12
Credits: 10
UC/CSU Requirement: g
Recommended: Principles of Business.
International Business builds on skills learned in Principles of Business to provide an introduction to a global perspective on the economic, cultural, and political factors that influence business. The course includes fundamentals of import/export business, business structures, business plans, trade relations, financial transactions, legal agreements, and global entrepreneurship. Students will learn marketing activities and consumer behavior as they relate to developing, pricing, distributing, and promoting goods and services in both domestic and global markets. Critical thinking skills and peer collaboration will be enhanced for students through participation in Socratic seminars and group projects. Examples of group projects include “How to do Business in (Country) for Dummies”, “Business Plans”, “Export Project”, “Travel Project” and “Discovering Your Management and Personality Profile”. Priority will be given to students who are progressing in the International Business Pathway and choose this as one of their “First 6” classes.
Grades: 10-12
Credits: 10
UC/CSU Requirement: g
Recommended: None.
This class provides students with the legal skills necessary for them to survive in today's world and presents a snapshot of the legal profession in order to give students the opportunity to explore legal careers. The topics covered include: legal ethics, procedural law, criminal law, personal injury law, contract law, law for the minor, real and personal property law, employment law, trial procedure, and the law of evidence. Students learn life skills like how to protect one’s rights while observing the rights of others, landlord and tenant relationships, and how to avoid certain types of fraud and identity theft. Critical thinking skills will be developed as students read complex text closely and analyze fact patterns critically. Students will practice the skills of collaboration and public speaking through participation in Socratic seminars, debates, group projects, and mock trials.
Principles of Business
Grades: 9-12
Credits: 10
UC/CSU Requirement: g
This business course introduces students to the study of Economics, Personal Finance, Commerce, Leadership and Management, and Entrepreneurship. Course projects focus on applying economic concepts, financial literacy, investments in the stock market, sales and marketing strategies, career exploration, leadership, and creating a business plan. This course sets the foundation is ideal for students seeking financial freedom and a foundation for success in any career.
Virtual Enterprise
Grades: 9-12
Credits: 10
UC/CSU Requirement: g
Recommended: Principles of Business. Virtual Enterprise (VE) is a simulated business that is set up and run by students. With the guidance of the teacher and real-world business partners, the students determine the nature of their business, its products and services, its management and structures and learn the daily operation of a business. Students will be involved in simulated on-the-job work experiences, including accounting, personnel administration, management and marketing. Emphasis is placed on using current business software, communications, and the Internet for business transactions. Additionally, students will run their own virtual checking account, receive a virtual paycheck, and pay virtual bills including rent, utilities and miscellaneous expenditures. Students will be responsible for having a grand opening for their business and have the opportunity to attend one of two (or more) trade fairs. Working collaboratively, students will develop and enhance oral and written communication skills through initiative, creativity and responsibility. All class experiences simulate those found in business and industry. Priority will be given to students who are progressing in the Business Management Pathway and choose this as one of their “First 6” classes.
High School Graduation & College Entrance Requirements
High School Graduation Requirements
Business is an elective under Applied Academics. A student must earn 10 credits in two out of three selective elective areas (Fine Arts, World Languages and Applied Academics). For example, if a student earns 10 credits in a business course (Applied Academics) they would still need 10 credits from either World Languages or Fine Arts to satisfy the graduation requirement.
UC Eligibility
g. College Prep Elective – 1 year required.
There is not a Business requirement; however, some business courses can satisfy the "g" College Prep Elective requirement if a student earns 10 credits and a grade of "C" or higher in a single, yearlong approved business course.